2012 m. gegužės 9 d., trečiadienis

Vaiko tapatybės paieškos

Viename moksliniame straipsnyje perskaičiau pateiktą pokalbį tarp dukters ir tėvo, kuris atskleidžia vaiko tapatybės paieškas:

I recently had a very interesting conversation with my 5 year old daughter. Her mother is of Jamaican heritage, while I am of Nigerian heritage, though she like us both, was born in London. As we drove along, she asked me;
‘Daddy, where are you from?’
‘Nigeria,’ I replied tentatively.
‘Where is Mummy from?’ she asked.
‘Jamaica’, I replied.
‘Where am I from?’
‘England’, I replied tentatively.
‘Why? Why am I not Nigerian or Jamaican like you?’
‘Because you were born in London,’ I replied, dreading the inevitable next question.
‘Where were you born?’
‘London.’ I replied.
‘Where was Mummy born?’
‘London’, I replied again.
‘Why aren’t you from England too then?’ she demanded.
‘Because our parents were born in Nigeria?’ I replied.
‘Oh,’ she said. Then, ‘Can I be Nigerian?’
Yes, you can.’
‘Good. Can I be Jamaican?’ she asked.
‘Well, yes, you can actually,’ I replied.
She was quiet for a few moments, then looked back up at me and asked, ’Can I be Canadian?’

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